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  Resources & Links for Land Surveyors and the Public  (you will leave this site for most of the links)


The Kansas Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys and Mortgagee Title Inspections, as adopted by the Kansas Society of Land Surveyors and the Kansas State Board of Technical Professions, 2021.  The long awaited revision is here!  Sometimes referred to as the “2020 Standards.” Use back button to return to this site.

The Kansas Society of Land Surveyors (KSLS), approved by KSBTP, On Line Minimum Standards Course for 2 hours credit. (You will leave this site)

The new book, Boundary Surveying in Kansas – A Guide for Surveyors by Norm Bowers and Steve Brosemer is now available.  Follow the link to find out how to order and more information about this definitive Guide for those Professional Surveyors practicing in Kansas or as a study guide for the State Specific Exam.  Email Norm Bowers directly for ordering at  Discounted for members of KSLS and surveying college students!

County Zoning and Land Use Administrators in our service area:
Coffey County:  Heidi Harris  620-364-5792  
Lyon County:  Sam Seeley 620-341-3471
Marion County:  Sharon Omstead  620-382-2945
Osage County:    Becky Bartley  785-828-3347
No County Zoning in Chase, Greenwood & Morris Counties

KSA 58-2001 to 2005 & 2011 Statutes concerning land surveying, section corners, recordings and definition of types of surveys.

KSA Chapter 19:  Formerly known as the “county surveyor law”, this series of statutes deal with center of sections and retracing the PLSS. These requirements now apply to all surveyors and surveys.  19-1434 requires that all surveys that could possibly create a new parcel must be recorded.

Kansas Land Surveyor Trespass Statutes:  The laws that allow surveyors to have legal access to survey markers on private lands.

“Of Monuments and Measurements”  Article in Section Lines, February 2015, by Norm Bowers and Steve Brosemer concerning what to do when encountering a conflict between the two.  What do the courts say?

“Origin Unknown”  Article by Norman Bowers, PS and Steve Brosemer, PS published in the May 2015 edition of Section Lines, by the Kansas Society of Land Surveyors. Unknown, huh? Is that what you really want to say on the witness stand in court or to the neighbor’s attorney during a deposition?

“History of Center of Sections in Kansas”  Article by Norman Bowers, PS and Steve Brosemer, PS published in the February 2012 edition of Section Lines, by the Kansas Society of Land Surveyors.  Things are hardly as simple as you might think!  Do you work in areas that were organized into counties before 1868 and how does this conflict with current statutes?  Then this is a must read.

“Dykes V Arnold Oregon 2006”  An Oregon Supreme Court case that is referenced in the article above. Full text, less maps.  A case that is instructive as to the way all courts look at the surveyor’s duties and obligations when doing retracement surveys, including the concept of “original surveys.”  Underlines the concept of monument and locations that have been accepted controlling locations, regardless of the method of first establishment.

“Kansas County Road Laws” by W. Chip Woods.  Some county or township roads opened through the Road Statutes don’t have a stated width.  This comprehensive chronology is an invaluable source of information for those wishing to find out the legal width of a rural road. Recently revised.

The Cast Iron Monument 2014.  Jerry Penry, David Hoffart and Gene Thomsen of Nebraska do a static observation processed by OPUS on the “Holy Grail” of the Kansas/Nebraska PLSS near White Cloud.  From the February 2015 issue of Section Lines. The photo depicts Surveyor General John Calhoun (Steve Brosemer) admiring the Initial Point of all surveys in Kansas and Nebraska: The Cast Iron Monument.

Did you know that the Original NW corner of Kansas was at the intersection of the 40th Parallel of latitude with the “Summit of the Rockies” as mandated by the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854?  Steve Brosemer was part of an expedition in 2006 that climbed the mountains to find the “+” on an outcropping of granite that marked the spot!  Click here to download a copyrighted pdf slide show of that journey.  Warning! This is a 10 meg file.